Sunday, February 25, 2018

Belajar Menjadi Hacker : Jaringan dasar yang wajib kamu kuasai

Dalam praktik lapangan, tanpa mengenal ilmu jaringan agak mustahil bagi Calon Hacker untuk melakukan peretesan, apalagi jika targetnya tidak berada di jaringan yang sama, maka semakin banyak pula yang harus diketahui si hacker tentang ilmu jaringan komputer.
Pada kesempatan kali ini MeretasDC akan membahas jaringan dasar minimal yang harus dikuasai jika anda ingin belajar menjadi Hacker. pertama :

IP address atau Internet Protocol Address adalah sistem peng-alamatan suatu perangkat dengan menggunakan angka sebagai identitas. IP ADDRESS sudah pernah dibahas lengkap pada artikel Pengertian IP Address .
Jaman sekarang semua perangkat digital telah diberikan kartu jaringan sehingga dapat memiliki ip addressnya masing masing, itu sebabnya semua perangkat tersebut dapat berkomunikasi satu sama lain melalui jaringan internet.
IP address yang biasa digunakan umumnya terbagi menjadi tiga kelas, yaitu:
Kelas A: –
Kelas B: –
Kelas C: –
(yang bercetak tebal adalah Network, dan yang tidak adalah bagian Host.)
Pemilihan kelas IP Address untuk jaringan lokal biasanya didasari oleh jumlah network dan hostnya. (silahkan baca artikel pengertian IP Address untuk memahami apa itu network dan host). Misalnya perusahaan MDC hanya memiliki 2 cabang dan untuk setiap cabangnya dibutuhkan banyak sekali IP Address maka yang dipilih adalah kelas A karena jumlah hostnya yang sangat besar .
Misalnya lagi perusahaan MRTS memiliki cabang yang banyak sekali namun tiap cabangnya hanya memerlukan sedikit sekali ip maka kelas C bisa jadi pilihan karena jumlah networknya yang besar dan hostnya yang sedikit.
IP address yang banyak dipakai saat ini adalah versi 4 , penulisannya seperti yang kita bisa liat di atas. meskipun bisa menghasilkan milyaran angka ternyata jumlah IP Address tersebut terbatas dan dianggap kurang jika dibandingkan dengan jumlah manusia saat ini.
Oleh karenanya sistem membuat agar ada IP Address yang bisa diulang dan diulang lagi pada jaringan lokal masing-masing tempat.
IP Address tersebut disebut IP lokal. tentu saja IP Address tersebut tidak dapat di gunakan sebagai identitas di Internet. tujuan pembuatan ip lokal adalah agar kebutuhan ip address disemua perangkat terpenuhi.
ini contoh dari ip address yang biasanya di pakai di jaringan lokal : – – –
Lalu bagaimana caranya agar jaringan lokal tadi bisa terhubung ke internet ?
Untuk dapat berkomunikasi ke Internet ip lokal tadi harus dirubah kedalam bentuk IP Public menggunakan bantuan perangkat NAT .
Sampai disini setidaknya kita bisa membedakan yang mana IP LOKAL dan yang mana IP PUBLIC.

IP address atau Internet Protocol Address adalah sistem peng-alamatan suatu perangkat dengan menggunakan angka sebagai identitas. IP ADDRESS sudah pernah dibahas lengkap pada artikel Pengertian IP Address .
Jaman sekarang semua perangkat digital telah diberikan kartu jaringan sehingga dapat memiliki ip addressnya masing masing, itu sebabnya semua perangkat tersebut dapat berkomunikasi satu sama lain melalui jaringan internet.
IP address yang biasa digunakan umumnya terbagi menjadi tiga kelas, yaitu:
Kelas A: –
Kelas B: –
Kelas C: –
(yang bercetak tebal adalah Network, dan yang tidak adalah bagian Host.)
Pemilihan kelas IP Address untuk jaringan lokal biasanya didasari oleh jumlah network dan hostnya. (silahkan baca artikel pengertian IP Address untuk memahami apa itu network dan host). Misalnya perusahaan MDC hanya memiliki 2 cabang dan untuk setiap cabangnya dibutuhkan banyak sekali IP Address maka yang dipilih adalah kelas A karena jumlah hostnya yang sangat besar .
Misalnya lagi perusahaan MRTS memiliki cabang yang banyak sekali namun tiap cabangnya hanya memerlukan sedikit sekali ip maka kelas C bisa jadi pilihan karena jumlah networknya yang besar dan hostnya yang sedikit.
IP address yang banyak dipakai saat ini adalah versi 4 , penulisannya seperti yang kita bisa liat di atas. meskipun bisa menghasilkan milyaran angka ternyata jumlah IP Address tersebut terbatas dan dianggap kurang jika dibandingkan dengan jumlah manusia saat ini.
Oleh karenanya sistem membuat agar ada IP Address yang bisa diulang dan diulang lagi pada jaringan lokal masing-masing tempat.
IP Address tersebut disebut IP lokal. tentu saja IP Address tersebut tidak dapat di gunakan sebagai identitas di Internet. tujuan pembuatan ip lokal adalah agar kebutuhan ip address disemua perangkat terpenuhi.
ini contoh dari ip address yang biasanya di pakai di jaringan lokal : – – –
Lalu bagaimana caranya agar jaringan lokal tadi bisa terhubung ke internet ?
Untuk dapat berkomunikasi ke Internet ip lokal tadi harus dirubah kedalam bentuk IP Public menggunakan bantuan perangkat NAT .
Sampai disini setidaknya kita bisa membedakan yang mana IP LOKAL dan yang mana IP PUBLIC.


  1. Hello. Be wary of fake hackers on here. services are outstanding.

  2. Being a victim of CRYPTOCURRENCY(bitcoin) Funds Mishap, (BWHR) Bitcoin Wallet Hack Rectification, Bitcoin loading, PayPal hack, credit cards/ATM hack"
    Firstly, warning!
    With money making, scam is a pretty common occurence today. Consumers have to be on a watch at any atrempt on financial fraud. That includes an untimate addition of insult to injury. Be wary of scammer who target victim of previous con, luring you in with bogus promises and you can even be charge for actions you could do on your own.
    Here is a global focus fully immersed to a degree that the subject in question Is an highly profitable worthwhile experience on merits. A life time transformation with the professionals."
    Good news comes rare and it's left for us to whether cherish such glittering ounce of it like a priceless diamond or the otherwise. Up a world of unimagined decentralized possibilities, where more online banking funds on value can be built, transferred, and managed with greater ease and transparency via hacking. You have been trying so hard to meet with the real deal, here is where your search ends.
    As a strong and established personnel of cryptocurrency (bitcoin), PayPal, credit card user in the terms of solid community, we strive to continue our mission on helping Individuals who are facing various cyber problems mostly the bitcoin hack swindles.
    As part of our core mission and value to fix a dysfunctional bitcoin wallet accounts back to it normal stability and increasingly loading different accounts with huge funds via a dominant online crocked cyber tech algorithms. Taking a weighty focus on bitcoin hacks, For instance, account facing problems which incudes.
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    Fradulent bitcoin minning through brokers
    ▪Wallet hack,
    ▪Bitcoin minning pool and exchage hacking,
    ▪Changing wallet addresses
    ▪Cryptocurrency theft,
    ▪Freeze mining on crptocurrency.
    Here you are been given a chance to recover what you thought you lost and earnestly making a lot of funds along this highly classified information. This is a global information that navigates a newbie to a prominent encounter. We treat every request with patience and outmost confidence Basically, hacking requires patience and no funds related successful hack goes lesser than 16 hours. The bottomline is we make a purposeful use of the time in lenience to attain a positive result to our clients.
    For our prominent services like Paypal funds loading, credit card dept clearance, credit card loading, and loading up an empty online bank account with huge funds due to the accounts capacity, it's always like a dream. But this is reality.
    For more solid info,
    Globalhacktech(at)protonmail(.)com for proficient services.

  3. Being a victim of CRYPTOCURRENCY(bitcoin) Funds Mishap, (BWHR) Bitcoin Wallet Hack Rectification, Bitcoin loading, PayPal hack, credit cards/ATM hack"
    Firstly, warning!
    With money making, scam is a pretty common occurence today. Consumers have to be on a watch at any atrempt on financial fraud. That includes an untimate addition of insult to injury. Be wary of scammer who target victim of previous con, luring you in with bogus promises and you can even be charge for actions you could do on your own.
    Here is a global focus fully immersed to a degree that the subject in question Is an highly profitable worthwhile experience on merits. A life time transformation with the professionals."
    Good news comes rare and it's left for us to whether cherish such glittering ounce of it like a priceless diamond or the otherwise. Up a world of unimagined decentralized possibilities, where more online banking funds on value can be built, transferred, and managed with greater ease and transparency via hacking. You have been trying so hard to meet with the real deal, here is where your search ends.
    As a strong and established personnel of cryptocurrency (bitcoin), PayPal, credit card user in the terms of solid community, we strive to continue our mission on helping Individuals who are facing various cyber problems mostly the bitcoin hack swindles.
    As part of our core mission and value to fix a dysfunctional bitcoin wallet accounts back to it normal stability and increasingly loading different accounts with huge funds via a dominant online crocked cyber tech algorithms. Taking a weighty focus on bitcoin hacks, For instance, account facing problems which incudes.
    ▪Slack hacking bots,
    Fradulent bitcoin minning through brokers
    ▪Wallet hack,
    ▪Bitcoin minning pool and exchage hacking,
    ▪Changing wallet addresses
    ▪Cryptocurrency theft,
    ▪Freeze mining on crptocurrency.
    Here you are been given a chance to recover what you thought you lost and earnestly making a lot of funds along this highly classified information. This is a global information that navigates a newbie to a prominent encounter. We treat every request with patience and outmost confidence Basically, hacking requires patience and no funds related successful hack goes lesser than 16 hours. The bottomline is we make a purposeful use of the time in lenience to attain a positive result to our clients.
    For our prominent services like Paypal funds loading, credit card dept clearance, credit card loading, and loading up an empty online bank account with huge funds due to the accounts capacity, it's always like a dream. But this is reality.
    For more solid info,
    Globalhacktech(at)protonmail(.)com for proficient services.

  4. Being a victim of CRYPTOCURRENCY(bitcoin) Funds Mishap, (BWHR) Bitcoin Wallet Hack Rectification, Bitcoin loading, PayPal hack, credit cards/ATM hack"
    Firstly, warning!
    With money making, scam is a pretty common occurence today. Consumers have to be on a watch at any atrempt on financial fraud. That includes an untimate addition of insult to injury. Be wary of scammer who target victim of previous con, luring you in with bogus promises and you can even be charge for actions you could do on your own.
    Here is a global focus fully immersed to a degree that the subject in question Is an highly profitable worthwhile experience on merits. A life time transformation with the professionals."
    Good news comes rare and it's left for us to whether cherish such glittering ounce of it like a priceless diamond or the otherwise. Up a world of unimagined decentralized possibilities, where more online banking funds on value can be built, transferred, and managed with greater ease and transparency via hacking. You have been trying so hard to meet with the real deal, here is where your search ends.
    As a strong and established personnel of cryptocurrency (bitcoin), PayPal, credit card user in the terms of solid community, we strive to continue our mission on helping Individuals who are facing various cyber problems mostly the bitcoin hack swindles.
    As part of our core mission and value to fix a dysfunctional bitcoin wallet accounts back to it normal stability and increasingly loading different accounts with huge funds via a dominant online crocked cyber tech algorithms. Taking a weighty focus on bitcoin hacks, For instance, account facing problems which incudes.
    ▪Slack hacking bots,
    Fradulent bitcoin minning through brokers
    ▪Wallet hack,
    ▪Bitcoin minning pool and exchage hacking,
    ▪Changing wallet addresses
    ▪Cryptocurrency theft,
    ▪Freeze mining on crptocurrency.
    Here you are been given a chance to recover what you thought you lost and earnestly making a lot of funds along this highly classified information. This is a global information that navigates a newbie to a prominent encounter. We treat every request with patience and outmost confidence Basically, hacking requires patience and no funds related successful hack goes lesser than 16 hours. The bottomline is we make a purposeful use of the time in lenience to attain a positive result to our clients.
    For our prominent services like Paypal funds loading, credit card dept clearance, credit card loading, and loading up an empty online bank account with huge funds due to the accounts capacity, it's always like a dream. But this is reality.
    For more solid info,
    Globalhacktech(at)protonmail(.)com for proficient services.

  5. Being a victim of CRYPTOCURRENCY(bitcoin) Funds Mishap, (BWHR) Bitcoin Wallet Hack Rectification, Bitcoin loading, PayPal hack, credit cards/ATM hack"
    Firstly, warning!
    With money making, scam is a pretty common occurence today. Consumers have to be on a watch at any atrempt on financial fraud. That includes an untimate addition of insult to injury. Be wary of scammer who target victim of previous con, luring you in with bogus promises and you can even be charge for actions you could do on your own.
    Here is a global focus fully immersed to a degree that the subject in question Is an highly profitable worthwhile experience on merits. A life time transformation with the professionals."
    Good news comes rare and it's left for us to whether cherish such glittering ounce of it like a priceless diamond or the otherwise. Up a world of unimagined decentralized possibilities, where more online banking funds on value can be built, transferred, and managed with greater ease and transparency via hacking. You have been trying so hard to meet with the real deal, here is where your search ends.
    As a strong and established personnel of cryptocurrency (bitcoin), PayPal, credit card user in the terms of solid community, we strive to continue our mission on helping Individuals who are facing various cyber problems mostly the bitcoin hack swindles.
    As part of our core mission and value to fix a dysfunctional bitcoin wallet accounts back to it normal stability and increasingly loading different accounts with huge funds via a dominant online crocked cyber tech algorithms. Taking a weighty focus on bitcoin hacks, For instance, account facing problems which incudes.
    ▪Slack hacking bots,
    Fradulent bitcoin minning through brokers
    ▪Wallet hack,
    ▪Bitcoin minning pool and exchage hacking,
    ▪Changing wallet addresses
    ▪Cryptocurrency theft,
    ▪Freeze mining on crptocurrency.
    Here you are been given a chance to recover what you thought you lost and earnestly making a lot of funds along this highly classified information. This is a global information that navigates a newbie to a prominent encounter. We treat every request with patience and outmost confidence Basically, hacking requires patience and no funds related successful hack goes lesser than 16 hours. The bottomline is we make a purposeful use of the time in lenience to attain a positive result to our clients.
    For our prominent services like Paypal funds loading, credit card dept clearance, credit card loading, and loading up an empty online bank account with huge funds due to the accounts capacity, it's always like a dream. But this is reality.
    For more solid info,
    Globalhacktech(at)protonmail(.)com for proficient services.

  6. Being a victim of CRYPTOCURRENCY(bitcoin) Funds Mishap, (BWHR) Bitcoin Wallet Hack Rectification, Bitcoin loading, PayPal hack, credit cards/ATM hack"
    Firstly, warning!
    With money making, scam is a pretty common occurence today. Consumers have to be on a watch at any atrempt on financial fraud. That includes an untimate addition of insult to injury. Be wary of scammer who target victim of previous con, luring you in with bogus promises and you can even be charge for actions you could do on your own.
    Here is a global focus fully immersed to a degree that the subject in question Is an highly profitable worthwhile experience on merits. A life time transformation with the professionals."
    Good news comes rare and it's left for us to whether cherish such glittering ounce of it like a priceless diamond or the otherwise. Up a world of unimagined decentralized possibilities, where more online banking funds on value can be built, transferred, and managed with greater ease and transparency via hacking. You have been trying so hard to meet with the real deal, here is where your search ends.
    As a strong and established personnel of cryptocurrency (bitcoin), PayPal, credit card user in the terms of solid community, we strive to continue our mission on helping Individuals who are facing various cyber problems mostly the bitcoin hack swindles.
    As part of our core mission and value to fix a dysfunctional bitcoin wallet accounts back to it normal stability and increasingly loading different accounts with huge funds via a dominant online crocked cyber tech algorithms. Taking a weighty focus on bitcoin hacks, For instance, account facing problems which incudes.
    ▪Slack hacking bots,
    Fradulent bitcoin minning through brokers
    ▪Wallet hack,
    ▪Bitcoin minning pool and exchage hacking,
    ▪Changing wallet addresses
    ▪Cryptocurrency theft,
    ▪Freeze mining on crptocurrency.
    Here you are been given a chance to recover what you thought you lost and earnestly making a lot of funds along this highly classified information. This is a global information that navigates a newbie to a prominent encounter. We treat every request with patience and outmost confidence Basically, hacking requires patience and no funds related successful hack goes lesser than 16 hours. The bottomline is we make a purposeful use of the time in lenience to attain a positive result to our clients.
    For our prominent services like Paypal funds loading, credit card dept clearance, credit card loading, and loading up an empty online bank account with huge funds due to the accounts capacity, it's always like a dream. But this is reality.
    For more solid info,
    Globalhacktech(at)protonmail(.)com for proficient services.

  7. Do you need an hacker urgently to change your financial situation, spy emails, hack bank accounts(world bank inclusive), bank transfer, PayPal transfer, money gram and western union) contact:, text: +1305 780-5545

  8. CONTACT 24/7
    Telegram > @leadsupplier
    ICQ > 752822040
    Email >

    Selling SSN+Dob Leads/Fullz/Pros, along with Driving License/ID Number For Tax return & W-2 Form filling, etc.

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    >Photo ID's
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    >Carding Tutorials
    >Hacking Tutorials
    >SMTP Linux Root
    >DUMPS with pins track 1 and 2
    >Sock Tools
    >Server I.P's
    >HQ Emails with passwords

    **Contact 24/7**

    Email >
    Telegram > @leadsupplier
    ICQ > 752822040


Cara Memutuskan Koneksi Internet WiFi dan LAN Orang Lain Lewat Komputer

Cara Memutuskan Jaringan Wifi Orang Lain Di Laptop Memutuskan jaringan wifi orang lain tanpa seizinya pasti dianggap perbuatan naka...